Man With Unlikely Last Name Overwhelmed By Google Alerts

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What started out as a bit of fun turned into a bit of a nightmare for one Saskatchewan resident.

“When my grandson showed me how to set up a Google Alert to let me know when someone on the internet mentioned my name, I thought it would be a lot of fun. Maybe I could catch an old flame reminiscing, or one of the old bastards from the Legion talking shit about me.” said the man.

“The boy and I set it up to send me an email every time my full name was mentioned, as well as a couple of variations of my initials and last name, just to cover all my bases. I didn’t think much of it, until I checked an hour later and had 789 million emails, which is about 788,999,992 more than I normally get in a day.”

“I have read a lot of confusing things about myself in the last little bit, some saying I’m the most important thing to happen in the history of the United States, others (which I assume are mostly my ex-wife) calling me some pretty horrible things.”

Although completely overwhelmed, the man insists he is going to read and respond to every single one of the comments that resulted in an alert.

“Mark my words, each and every one of these people is going to get an earful from Mr. Uriah Samuel Election!”

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